(Name: Strider Hiryu)
The fans requested him and now he's back; your favorite futuristic ninja: Strider Hiryu, one of the veteran characters of the Marvel Vs. Capcom series. Hiryu was a Special A-Class ninja mercenary of an elite team known as the Striders. The team specializes on kidnapping, assassination, demolition, and other various mission in service for the greater good.
Hiryu became a Special A-Class ninja at a young age and nothing more is known to him besides being the Strider's best assassin. He is also a skilled acrobat, possessing great superhuman speed and agility. He also has his plasma tonfa-sword called Cypher with him.
Strider Hiryu's personality is mysterious. He is silent and stoic and he rarely speaks unless if needed to.
Just like his previous incarnations, Strider Hiryu deploys his wide array of ninja skills and mechanical robots. He is often considered one of the best rushdown characters in the Marvel Vs. Capcom series especially when partnered with Doctor Doom. He can duplicate himself to produce clones and able to teleport at his will. He can also summon various projectiles that allows him to create space between him and the opponent although some of his projectiles have low durability and often looses to other projectiles.
He is also the only character in the game to have 2 Level 3 Hyper Combos: Ragnarok and Ouroboros. Due to his low vitality (with only 750,000 health points), he must be played with care as well but not more than that of Phoenix. Even with that low vitality, he is also considered one of the fastest characters in the game especially when coupled with Level 3 X-Factor.
- Arch Cut - Strider slashes his opponent in a turning downward fashion
- Slide - Strider slides forward and hits low and OTG
- Ame-No-Murakumo - Strider lunges and slashes his opponent downward in an outward turning slash and causes a wall bounce
- Gram - Strider slashes the air and causes a shockwave. The strength of the button used determines the power of the slash
- Excalibur - Strider dashes to his opponent while in the air. He can dash upward, forward, and downward
- Vajra - Strider's teleport move. He teleport in-front of the his opponent when pressed light and medium is from behind. If you pressed heavy, he will warp away and kick on a targeted area
- Formation A1/A2/C/B - Strider summons one of his machines to attack the opponent. These machines are a robotic panther, a robotic eagle, a robotic eagle which drops bombs, and a satellite which hovers around Strider and last for 10 seconds
- Wall Cling - Strider has the ability to attach himself on the wall and is able to climb up, down, across, dive kick, and attack as well
LEGION (Level 1 Hyper Combo) - Strider Hiryu calls upon several of his mechanical panthers and eagles which rushes and attacks the opponent. This hyper combo can also hit OTG and is great at the end of combos.

RAGNAROK (Level 3 Hyper Combo) - A previously Level 1 Hyper Combo, Strider Hiryu rushes and grabs his opponent. He then launches his opponent in the air and attacks with multi-images of himself. This hyper combo is stronger and faster than its previous incarnation and does 430,000 of unscaled damage.
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