Dark Phoenix is the strongest character in the game, being able to take down an entire team all by herself. Her attacks are powered up and is able to match or even exceed some of the games hard hitters. She is only playable if you used Phoenix with her health bar at 0 and her hyper gauze at maximum for to activate her Dark Phoenix Rising hyper. She can even be more dangerous if she went to Level 3 X-Factor mode giving her enhance mobility and damage increased. Dark Phoenix, like Phoenix, is one of the games certified damage dealers due to the amount of damage she can dealt to the opponent. All of Dark Phoenix's attacks are 20% more damaging than Phoenix. Her hyper meter build-up also increases due to the addition of Phoenix Feathers on all her normals and command normals.
Like Phoenix however, Dark Phoenix is also a glass-cannon producing great damage output but lacks on health with only 375,000. Another drawback from Dark Phoenix is that her life will empty slowly at a constant speed overtime and is converted to Red Health. One can overcome this flaw by activating X-Factor and her Healing Field hyper combo.
HEALING FIELD (Level 1 Hyper Combo) - Likewise with Phoenix, Dark Phoenix uses her powers to create a spherical, fiery field around herself and will constantly heal her Red Health if her opponent is within the range of the field. The field does the healing even if the opponent is in block stun.
PHOENIX RAGE (Level 1 Hyper Combo) - Just like Phoenix, Dark Phoenix channels her cosmic flames and fires a phoenix-like projectile that screeches and clears the screen. This hyper combo deals 20% more damage than Phoenix's version and is estimated to deal 384,000 crowning this move as the second most powerful Level 1 Hyper Combo next to Hulk's Gamma Crush with 401,000.
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