(Name: Jean Grey-Summers)
Probably one of the strongest woman of Marvel and one of the most powerful telepath and telekinetics in the world, Jean Grey a.k.a. Phoenix had her powers awakened when she was 10 years old when her friend got hit by an automobile. During her teenage years, she was recruited by Charles Xavier to master and control her powers. Being an Omega Level mutant, Charles had to established a series of psychic barriers to Jean's brain to somehow suppress her ultimate powers.
Through the course of time, she fell in-love with fellow X-Men Scott Summers also known as Cyclops. They fought numerous battles together with Storm and Wolverine.
Upon returning from a mission on space, Jean was exposed to massive amounts of radiation. Her telekinetic shield wasn't enough which gave way for the radiation to hurt Jean. The psychic barriers on Jean's has been destroyed as well, giving her access to her full potential powers. When the shuttle crashed, she was awakened and is now addressed as Phoenix.

Phoenix is a glass-cannon type of character meaning she really offers a lot of offensive capabilities but lacks on having the lowest health in the game with 375,000. However, once she has her Hyper gauze at maximum and KOed, she rises to the dead and resurrects as Dark Phoenix; the games most powerful character.
- Flare Sword - Phoenix uses her cosmic flames to create a sword-like fire which trails from her hands
- Burn Out Beak - Phoenix rushes a downward stomp which forms like a phoenix's beak and knocks opponents down. If performed in a mid-air combo, it can ground bounce opponents
- Prominence Heel - Phoenix raises her legs and ax kick her opponent that burns them away
- Telekinetic Shot (TK Shot) - Phoenix concentrates and creates a flaming ball of damage. It can be fired slow for light, fast for medium, and slow homing for heavy. During Dark Phoenix mode however, she fires 2 shots
- Telekinetic Overdrive (TK Overdrive) - Phoenix flies forward in a spinning motion surrounded by flames. She flies diagonally upward when pressing medium
- Telekinetic Trap (TK Trap) - Phoenix uses a phoenix emblem trap that burns the opponent. Using light will fire her trap upward if stepped on or jumped over. Using medium fires her trap forward if jumped. Using heavy fires her trap automatically in a up-forward version
- Teleport - Phoenix teleports depending on the position of the opponent. Light puts her in front of the her opponent, medium puts her behind and heavy teleports her above the opponent
- Phoenix Feathers - During Dark Phoenix mode, all of her normals shoots flaming feathers which also inflicts damage to her opponent
- Flight - Phoenix enters flight mode and has a cosmic flame-like aura because of the Phoenix Force

PHOENIX RAGE (Level 1 Hyper Combo) - Phoenix channels her cosmic flames and fires forward creating a phoenix-like projectiles that burns the opponent heavily. This is her only hyper combo that deals damage. The damage increases when she enter Dark Phoenix mode.

HEALING FIELD (Level 1 Hyper Combo) - Phoenix's utility hyper combo, she creates a flaming orb of energy around herself allowing her to replenish her red health when near the opponent. The field does this even when the opponent is blocking it.

DARK PHOENIX RISING (Level 5 Hyper Combo) - Upon being KOed and having a maximum level in her hyper gauze, she is surrounded by massive amounts of phoenix energy. She then shouts "I can't control it!" and burst out the opponent in a soft knockdown and transform into Dark Phoenix. She refills her health but constantly drains over time. Her Phoenix Feathers can now be use in this mode. She can also perform a stronger Phoenix Rage and still heal her constantly draining red health using Healing Field.
I have to say, Capcom did a very good job on including Phoenix/Jean Grey on their crossover fighting series. When I first used her, I was like "She's so STRONG but totally lacking in health". I mean come on, she even got her health lowered in Ultimate with 375,000 from 420,000. Her specials (TK Shot and TK Trap) has also been nerfed. Anyways, I stil love her because of the concept of transforming into Dark Phoenix which I often use when I have her as my point character. How about you guys? Do you like Phoenix/Dark Phoenix? :)
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