Viewtiful Joe
- Reduced hittable area when in the air.- Increased priority of j.S.
- Slightly increased range of ground normal throws.
- Reduced total frames of Shocking Pink.
- Shocking Pink will not explode when sliding between buttons, and it cannot be juggled.
- Added new move “V-Dodge”
- Air Desperado can OTG.
- Additional hits can be added to Mach Speed through rapid buttons presses.

- Health increased to 850,000.
- Changed falling speed of j.S.
- j.S can OTG.
- Added starup invincibility to Heavenly Slash.
- Increased untechable time for first hit of Hellbound Slash.
- Additional hits can be added to Goddess’ Bracelet through rapid buttons presses.

- Decreased hit stun time on all normal attacks (L,M,H).
- Decreased hit box size of M, cr.M.
- Increased active frames of cr.M.
- Stance change is possible in mid-air.
- Increased active frames of charged Thunder Edge.
- Sword portion of Glaive Chop causes knockdown.
- Decreased untechable time of Assist β (Cold Star).
- Additional hits can be added to Divine Instruments through rapid button presses.

Crimson Viper
- Increased feint input timing slightly for L and M versions of Thunder Knuckle.
- Slightly decreased forward moving range of Thunder Knuckle M.
- Untechable time from Thunder Knuckle H decreases with combo length.
- Added new move “Optic Laser”

Albert Wesker
- Health decreased to 1,000,000.
- Damage and speed increase as his sunglasses get damaged.
- Decreased startup of j.M.
- Decreased float of Samurai Edge (Horizontal Fire).
- Adjusted untechable time for all versions of Samurai Edge.
- Phantom Move can be performed after Cobra Strike.
- Decreased attack startup time of Jaguar Dash and increased active frames.
- Increased damage of Jaguar Kick.
- Increased hit box of Tiger Uppercut L and M.
- Oppponent cannot tech after wall bounce from Tiger Uppercut M and H.
- Increased invincibility frame startup of Rhino Charge.
- Additional damage scaling is added after a successful Rhino Charge, so damage is decreased on extra hits.
- Additional hits can be added to Lost in Nightmares (ground and air versions) through rapid buttons presses.

Chris Redfield
- Can act immediately after a dash.
- Increased float of cr.H.
- Decreased startup of j.S and increased active frames.
- Normal gun moves, Low Shot, cr.H, Air Low Shot can be empty canceled.
- Minimum damage scaling on special attacks has been increased.
- Increased active frames of Shot Gun.
- Decreaed damage of Shot Gun.
- Decreased untechable time of first hit of Combination Punch H.
- Decreased gap of Prone Shot.
- Machinegun portion of Sweep Combo can OTG.

Jill Valentine
- All attacks float a little higher.
- Slightly decreased forward moving range of cr.M.
- Slightly reduced hit box sizes of all jumping attacks.

Nathan Spencer
- Increased movement speed of Zip Line.
- Spencer will float higher during Zip Kick.
- Slightly decreased initial startup of Armor Piercer.
- Added new move “Bionic Bomber.”

- Health increased to 830,000.
- Decreased hit stun time on all normal attacks (L,M,H).
- Slightly increased horizontal air knockback from Shippuga.
- Applied limit on number of air Hyper Zero Blaster that can be performed in one jump.
- Can cancel moves into Max Hyper Zero Blaster (except for Hyper Combos).
- Max Hyper Zero Blaster no longer causes untechable knockdown.
- Ground recovery time increased after Sentsuizan.
- Changed angle of Sentsuizan H.
- Raikousen will go behind an opponent in the corner.

- Increased knockback for all moves.
- Adjusted hit stun time and float heights for all moves.
- Decreased minimum damage scaling on normal and special attacks.
- Decreased hitbox size of L and M.
- Lowered float of Clay Pigeon.
- Decreased cancel time during startup of Bold Move.
- Commands that were performed through repetitve joystick motions can now be done with a single additional button press.
- Increased invincibility frame startup on The Hammer, and decreased total invincibility frames.
- Decreased damage of Volcano-Beehive.
- Slightly increased horizontal knockback from Beehive.
- During Devil Trigger, Dante can now triple jump and double air dash.
- Additional hits can be added to Million Dollars through rapid buttons presses.

- Chain combo M -> cr.M -> cr.H or H is now possible.
- Can perform Trick “Hopscotch,” Trick “Peekaboo,” and Round-Trip only once per jump.
- Decreased total frames of Air Raid.
- Air Maximum Voltage can OTG.
- Additional hits can be added to Maximum Voltage (ground and air versions) through rapid buttons presses.

Tron Bonne
- j.H causes greater knockback.
- Increased down time from a normal throw.
- Gustaff Fire is cancelable.
- Increased jump cancel time of Gustaff Fire.
- Untechable time from rock pickup part of Bandit Boulder decreases with combo length.
- Can cancel after throwing the rocks in Bandit Boulder.
- Increased minimum damage scaling of special attacks.
- Servbot Launcher (all versions) can be rapid fire up to three times in a row.
- Lowered float of ground Bonne Strike.
- Untechable time from Air Bonne Strike decreases with combo length.
- Fixed Bonne Mixer and Shakedown Mixer so they can come out on an empty cancel.
- Removed invincibility from Assist β (Gustaff Fire).
- Additional hits can be added to Servbot Surprise through rapid buttons presses.
- Additional hits can be added to Shakedown Mixer through rapid joystick rotations.

Mike Haggar
- cr.H causes knockdown.
- cr.H can OTG.
- cr.H cannot be canceled.
- Falls faster after an air throw.
- Decreased initial startup invincibility of Assist α (Double Lariat).
- Assist α (Double Lariat) no longer causes untechable knockdown.
- Added invincibility to Rapid Fire Fist.
- Additional hits can be added to Rapid Fire Fist through rapid buttons presses.
- Additional hits can be added to Final Haggar Buster through rapid joystick rotations.

- Untechable time from Toy Touch decreases with combo length.
- Rolling Buckler no longer automatically tracks towards the opponent.
- Delta Kick can be done in the air.
- Third hit of Air Delta Kick causes ground bounce.
- Decreased total frames of Sand Splash (all versions).
- Sand Splash can OTG.
- Decreased total frames of Kitty’s Helper.
- Additional hits can be added to Dancing Flash through rapid buttons presses.
- Additional hits can be added to Please Help Me through rapid buttons presses.

- j.H, j.S priority has been slightly increased.
- Increased frame advantage after all her throws.
- Increased damage of Soul Fist.
- Increased untechable time on a normal Soul Fist hit, but time decreases with combo length.
- Added new move “Soul Drain.”
- Decreased total frames for Flight.
- Additional hits can be added to Finishing Shower through rapid buttons presses.

- Can act immediately after a dash.
- Minimum damage scaling on normal attacks has been increased.
- Collarbone Breaker can be canceled.
- Added new moves “Ren Hadoken,” “Baku Hadoken,” “Hado Shoryuken.”
- Added new move “Hado Kakusei.”
- During Hado Kakusei, Shinku Hadoken becomes “Shin Hadoken,” and Shinku Tatsumaki Senpukyaku becomes “Shin Tatsumaki Senpukyaku.”
- Additional hits can be added to Shinku Hadoken (all versions, including Shin Hadoken) through rapid buttons presses.
- Additional hits can be added to Shinku Tatsumaki Senpukyaku (including Shin Tatsumaki Senpukyaku) through rapid buttons presses.

Lei Lei / Hsien-ko
- Reduced startup of cr.M and decreased active frames.
- Jump attacks cause slightly less float.
- Rantetsu can chain combo into Edoga.
- Increased untechable time from Edoga.
- Increased variety of items Lei Lei can throw during Anki Hou.
- Additional hits can be added to Tenrai Ha through rapid buttons presses.

- Health decreased to 750,000.
- Decreased priority of Tatsumaki Zankukyaku.
- Increased horizontal knockback range of Tatsumaki Zankukyaku.
- Hyakkishu can be done in the air.
- Additional hits can be added to Messatsu Gohado (all versions) through rapid buttons presses.
- Additional hits can be added to Tenma Gozanku (all versions) through rapid buttons presses.
- Additional hits can be added to Raging Demon through rapid buttons presses.

- M, cr.M can be jump canceled.
- Yosokyaku can OTG.
- Slightly increased priority of Hyakuretsukyaku.
- Adjusted so Kikoanken is easier to perform.
- Decreased startup of Tenshokyaku.
- Increased untechable time from last hit of Tenshokyaku.
- Can act after an Air Tenshokyaku.
- Lowered arc of Air Tenshokyaku L.
- Added new move “EX Spinning Bird Kick.”
- Additional hits can be added to Kikosho through rapid buttons presses.
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